Class Supply List

Ready to start painting!
You can try out the class and pay $25 to cover the supplies for your first painting.

If you decide you love it, here are the supplies I recommend for our class:

Palette paper pad  or freezer paper
Odorless turpentine blue can Turpenoid
Windsor Newton liquin
Paper Towels
Palette knife from teacher (purchase from me)

Flat Bristle  #8,  1” filbert for sky (good quality for sky)
Bristle  #4 fan brush
Bristle filbert  #3 or 4
Loew Cornell shader brush  #4,  #10
 Liner # 1  script

Oil Paint Colors
Permalba Titanium white
Sap Green
Ultramarine blue
 Prussian blue or Thalo/  if you like a blue-green
Cerulean Blue
Paynes Gray
Burnt Umber
Burnt Sienna
Raw Sienna
Indian Red
Dioxide Purple
Cad yellow light
Cadmium Red light ( Grumbacher)
Alizarin Crimson
Grumbacher Cad orange
Yellow Ochre
Viridian Green